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The Barefoot Blonde

Throughout my own healing journey from autoimmune disease I have discovered how to revitalize energy within, generate radiant health, and live joyfully again! 

My calling is to share this wisdom with an empowered approach to support anyone who is ready to realize their greatest expression of health, peacefulness and purpose. 


All Love, Angela

"There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophies."
Friedrich Nietzsche

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*Private events also available upon request. 

"The cold is an absolute doorway
to the soul."
Wim Hof

The Wim Hof Method



The Wim Hof Method is spreading like wildfire around the world due to the immediate benefits and the incredible feeling of empowerment it offers.

While the techniques of this practise are straightforward and accessible,
the depths of this practise are endless. The best and safest starting point to building your own cold practice is through a Fundamentals program.


Angela went from always feeling cold, to falling in love with the power of the cold to keep her warm, happy & bright. In 2018 she became the first female Wim Hof Method Instructor in Canada. 

Watch her 1st Polar Surf challenge to test her strength below! 

YoQi is the inspired combination of beginner-friendly yoga,

followed by gentle acupuncture while resting in savasana.

By encouraging people to step onto their mat, they are actively becoming part of  the healing process, and by treating people when the body is most receptive, while relaxing in savasana, a layered healing effect is created in which Angela  can deeply assist in focusing the energy where it is needed most.

YoQi is like dessert for your body!

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The Art of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of medicine, so ancient in fact, that it predates recorded history. Its abiding healing intelligence remains relevant today, with acupuncture being utilized in over 187 countries around the world it has played an important role in the world's healthcare system, and is still growing in popularity.


Angela has been practicing acupuncture for over 20 years and is a passionate advocate for affordable care. She is trained in pain release, stress management, detoxification, fertility & prebirth, assisting chronic healing, palliative and preventative care.

Book Private Acupuncture:



NEW: Online support sessions are now available on the first Friday of each month on a sliding scale payment system.

30 minute coaching, counselling, and clarifying appointments available for anyone who needs it!


Healing from chronic illnesses
5 Element Counselling
Compassionate Support 
Cleansing DIY
Cold Therapy Q & A
Wholistic business building
Teacher Training talks

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YoQi Teacher Training

yoQi Teacher Training is now available for the first time!

Learn the truth about Yin yoga from a TCM perspective, offer your clients a dynamic way to step into their healing journey, and engage in a successful community outreach program to gain new clients while doing what you LOVE.


Learn from Angela Knox:

Yin Yoga Instructor and practitioner and Founder of yoQi Programs

Over 20 years experience as a DTCM/Acupuncturist


PREREQUISITES: Student or Registered practitioner of

Acupuncture & Certified yoga teacher (any style).

12 week online program

Next yoQi Teacher Training begins in January 2023

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